Well, it’s finally done. Waited 6 months for the Mongo Snorkel, but i i was happy and sad at the same moment when i opened the package . I just love the design of this Snorkel, but i was not satisfied with the quality. The paintwork was poor and some of the accessories was missing. But i decided to make the most of it and repainted the Snorkel and rebuilt most of the components needed to finish the job properly. But i still recommend this Snorkel because of it’s design and hope that Jimny All Grip Mongolia will improve the quality of their product for future customers. My philosophe is “if you don´t let people know what they can improve on, they will newer improve” So good luck Jimny All Grip Mongolia 👍
I want to thank Martin Lines for letting me use some of his YouTube footage.
Please check out his website:
And also check out his installation video, part 1-2, of the Brazilian snorkel:

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