Suzuki Jimny – First 2000Kms Ownership and Long Overland Trip Review #4×4 #jimny #camping #himachal

The grey Jimny has been on the road since the day it got delivered and has completed a super quick 2k kms .
And on top of that , we just got her out with 4 other cars for a weekend camping/fishing trip to Barot – The Brown Trout Country in Himachal Pradesh. Feels to be the perfect 2 person overland vehicle and easily hauled 2 people and their supplies with zero issues.
The auto box as expected was amazing on the bill sections. The pleasant surprise was the way the suspension is working. Feels super planted and very confident when doing broken patches on high speed.
The few negatives that came up are the lack of height adjustment in front seat belts and the always sounding rear seatbelt warning.
The tailgate supports the bigger tire easily with zero rattling.

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