Jimny – Struggling in the Snow and Ice

Hey everyone!

A while ago, i was out playing in the snow, with my Humvee.
And that gave me the bright idea of taking my little, stock Suzuki Jimny out, to try some of the same obstacles.

I wan’t sure this was going to be a video of it’s own, but, now i had this footage, so you may as well get to see it!

The little Jimny did really well! But, of course, it had to fight a bit more, to get around.
Although, it was light enough, that in some places, it could drive on the ice! (That’s a first for me)
But in the places where the ice had already been broken by the Humvee, just days before, the jimny didn’t have much of a chance.
(And almost sunk sideways into a really deep Unimog Track)

I hope you enjoy!
Thank you all for watching along!

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